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Macovei attacks

In a move to eliminate corruption from the Justice system, Minister Monica Macovei once again took magistrates’ hatred upon herself, as she cancelled, under an Emergency Ordinance, the possibility for magistrates to buy Ministry residences for derisive prices. Thus, under the normative act, the absurd provision of Law no. 579 was annulled, which allowed those who didn’t own housing units... 

Ofensiva Macovei

În încercarea de a elimina corupţia din Justiţie, ministrul Monica Macovei şi-a atras din nou ura magistraţilor, şi asta deoarece ea a anulat printr-o ordonanţă de urgenţă posibilitatea ca magistraţii să-şi poată cumpăra, la preţuri derizorii, locuinţele de serviciu. Monica Macovei împotriva sistemului Astfel, potrivit acestui act normativ, se anulează prevederea aberantă a Legii... 

The Law on “hiding dignitaries’ wealth”

Senators convinced us, this late April, that they are not worthy of the confidence “bestowed” on them by voters. We should say that, considering the manner of approaching and finalising debates on the bill tabled by the Justice Minister, referring to the new wealth statement forms, they have proved they are worthy of our despise, not only of our distrust. Amending the legislation on dignitaries’... 

Legea “ascunderii” averilor demnitarilor

Senatorii ne-au convins, pe sfârşit de aprilie, că nu este nici o păcăleală: chiar sunt demni de lipsa de încredere cu care îi “învestesc” alegătorii. Am spune că, prin maniera în care au tratat şi finalizat dezbaterile asupra legii iniţiate de ministrul Justiţiei, referitoare la noua formă a declaraţiilor de avere, au demonstrat că sunt demni chiar de dispreţul nostru,... 

Justice Reform and National Anti-corruption Strategy

Minister of Justice Monica Macovei is one of the few dignitaries to have indeed started fighting against corruption. Completion of a professional and independent audit on the anti-corruption strategy of the past four years was one of the recommendations included by the European Union in the safeguard clause. The Freedom House Report points to the main flaws in the Romanian legal system. The analysis... 
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