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PD, party of moral intransigence?

The Justice and Truth Alliance won the elections in 2004 because a large part of the electorate had actually had enough of the PSD immorality. The Alliance thus relied on a “moral intransigence” message, with Traian Băsescu as its spearhead. But since PNL is rather a capricious party in this respect, the colours of moral intransigence were taken over by the Democratic Party. The Liberals’... 

PD, partidul intransigenţei morale?

Alianţa Dreptate şi Adevăr a câştigat alegerile din 2004 deoarece o bună parte a electoratului se săturase efectiv de imoralitatea PSD. Astfel, Alianţa a mizat pe un discurs de “intransigenţă morală”, avându-l ca purtător de lance pe Traian Băsescu. Cum însă PNL este mai degrabă un partid oscilant din acest punct de vedere, stindardul intransigenţei morale a fost preluat... 
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