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The Role of Culture in Marriage and Divorce

For example, among the Nuer of South Sudan, an older wealthy woman can marry Dating Norwegian women a young girl. The young girl then has sexual relationships with young males and has children. The children are then considered a part of the older woman’s family.

One function of marriage in these societies is to reproduce the existing social structure, partially by insuring that marriages and any offspring resulting from them will maintain and potentially increase the social standing of the families involved. Elite, dominant groups have the most to lose in terms of status and wealth, including inheritances. “Royalty” in Britain, for example, traditionally are not supposed to marry “commoners” so as to ensure that the royal “blood,” titles, and other privileges remain in the “royal” family. Person who was born with a male biological sex felt his identity and chosen lifestyle best matched the social role recognized as female, he could move into a third gender two-spirit category.

Experienced again and again, these disagreements cause significant marital and familial conflict. Many of my patients struggle to bridge a cultural divide between them and their spouse–who is of a different culture, country, and/or religion–or between immigrant parents and first-generation children. Communicating across this chasm takes understanding, empathy, flexibility, and most importantly, practice.

What can cause an interracial marriage to fall apart is the inability of a couple to handle their differences and a failure to talk about the stresses one or both of them are experiencing. Living in a marriage with two different cultures In a cross-cultural marriage, it’s important to respect your spouse’s native culture and deal with the differences in a loving manner. At our last Life Together Forever Weekend, we enjoyed seeing couples from various cultures together in one huge conference room. In fact, we believe there is rarely a couple who came from the same culture. Even if you grew up in the same race, ethnicity, neighborhood, church, etc., as your spouse, there are things about your culture that are different from your spouse’s.

For example, in rural and tribal parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan, disputes, unpaid debts in default and crimes such as murder are settled by a council of village elders, called jirga. A typical punishment for a crime committed by males involves requiring the guilty family to marry their virgin girls between 5 and 12 year old to the other family. This custom requires no consent from the girl, or even her parents. Such arranged child marriages are called vani, swara and sak in different regional languages of Pakistan. In most other parts of the world, arranged marriages continue to varying degrees and increasingly in quasi-arranged form, along with autonomous marriages.

There are strategies to help you better handle what comes your way when you are in an interracial marriage. But whatever you do decide, remember that the decision has to be made after much discussion and compromise.

A dowry was important for a woman to take with her into a marriage because the groom’s family had the upper economic hand. It helped ease the tension of her arrival in the household, especially if the dowry was substantial.

She had recently ended a six-year relationship with a man she had dated since https://www.aquisana.com/filipino-families/ attending the University of South Carolina. And she had more than enough to keep her occupied managing the business and personal affairs of her brother, Khris Middleton, who plays for the Milwaukee Bucks of the National Basketball Association.

  • If every brother married separately and had children, family land would be split into unsustainable small plots.
  • For example, Willoughby suggests that arranged marriages work because they remove anxiety in process of finding the spouses.
  • Intercultural marriages across ethnicities experience different levels of stress and resiliency.
  • During the ceremony, relatives including grandparents, parents, aunts, and uncles are served a cup of tea and each takes a sip.
  • One trustee, the granddaughter of the founder of a large foundation in the South, tells of her experience of joining the board when she was well into middle age.

Most research on marriage and health has focused on heterosexual couples; more work is needed to clarify the health impacts of same-sex marriage. Marriage, like other close relationships, exerts considerable influence on health. Married people experience lower morbidity and mortality across such diverse health threats as cancer, heart attacks, and surgery. Research on marriage and health is part of the broader study of the benefits of social relationships. Since a wife was regarded as property, her husband was originally free to divorce her for any reason, at any time. Divorcing a woman against her will was also banned by Gershom ben Judah for Ashkenazi Jews.

Postmarital Residence Rules

In India, there showed to be an equal amount of compassionate love shown between arranged marriages and autonomous marriages. Since religion is important in the Hindu community, parents often find spouses that have the same religion for their children. When two people with different http://amorantoconsulting.com/utilization-of-primary-health-care-services-among-syrian-refugee-and-lebanese-women-targeted-by-the-icrc-program-in-lebanon-a-cross-sectional-study-full-text/ religions fall in love, one must convert to the other’s religion, forsaking their own.

Begin Wedding Planning Early

There is often marked age asymmetry in these relationships, with husbands much older than their wives. In polygynous households, each wife commonly lives in her own house with her own biological children, but the family unit cooperates together to share resources and provide childcare. The husband usually “visits” his wives in succession and lives in each of their homes at various times .

Multicultural Families

Exposure to alternative cultures, values, and people has resulted in a “larger, more amorphous…marriage market…with a lack of a clear geographical and socially circumscribed context” (Bulcroft et al., 1997). Religion and ethnicity have become less important in delineating the pool of eligible partners as endogamy, the custom that requires individuals to marry within their own racial, religious, and social groups, has declined. Westernization has led to racial, religious, and ethnic tolerance and diversity in marital relationships . Moreover, as romantic love has overtaken the practice of arranged “matched partners,” cross-cultural weddings that join individuals and families with differing values have increased .

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