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What Is a Tech Audit?

A technical audit is an evaluation of the technology infrastructure of an organisation. The goal is to identify weaknesses and strengths in the technology stack and ensure that it’s aligned with business goals. This is a crucial aspect prior to starting a new project and gives valuable insight into how technology will perform.

Tech audits differ from IT reviews and security assessments, which are focused more on assessing systems in terms globalbizblog.com/determine-roles-and-responsibilities-of-board-memebers-using-board-rooms/ of compliance and security. Tech audits evaluate all of the tools that your organization uses to complete work, and analyze their effectiveness, costs, and integration with other technologies.

The details of a technology audit depend on who is conducting the review. It could be requested by a CFO who is seeking to reduce software costs or initiated by a team of leaders seeking to be more agile and efficient.

One of the most frequent findings from a tech stack audit is that several tools are used for similar functions. As an example marketing teams may employ Asana and Wrike while engineering teams might utilize Jira. This means that the data isn’t flowing smoothly across departments and creating a single point of truth.

Un-sanctioned apps are also frequently used by certain teams or departments. Some of these apps can be beneficial and provide value, but they could also be a risk, particularly if security and integrations aren’t vetted. A tech audit provides the leadership with visibility into the tools they use and how they’re utilized and helps determine if they should be incorporated into the larger technology stack.

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