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Punishment on the hierarchs Husar, Shevchuk and Gudziak

On behalf of all genuine Catholic and Orthodox Christians, I hereby demand imposition of punishment on three Church hierarchs who are to blame for the staging of the Maidan associated with a political coup and fratricidal war in Ukraine, namely Cardinal Husar and two of his colleagues: Archbishop Shevchuk and Bishop Gudziak.

Husar along with Gudziak founded the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU). Here they abuse youth for their crimes against God and the nation!

Up to the present day Husar says that the war must continue until the enemy is destroyed. Husar anticipates that the war must spread to Russia, even if all men from Ukraine should fall victim to it. His aim is to turn Russia into an American neo-colony, which is already happening with Ukraine.

Gudziak has recently encouraged “political instructors” – military priests by saying to them that their perseverance in zombifying the soldiers at the front is more important than if priests held submachine guns in their hands. Gudziak spent whole nights organizing a political coup through social networks in the US interests associated with the Maidan. Now he has declared that he continues conducting an ideological war through the mass media.

Husar and corruption in the Church

Husar comes from a banking family. He said: “Money is our only protection” (not God), and continued: “You have money, and our job is to get them out of your pocket.” Husar introduced bribery in the UGCC: bribes for admission to seminary, bribes for getting a parish (5,000-10,000 USD). Permanent collections of money for the cathedral are carried out both abroad and in Ukraine. The collected amount of money could have been used by now for the building of 50 churches; instead, Husar established his bank under the name of “Pokrov” (English translation – Protecting veil)! (but it should rather be called “Pokrav” – i.e. has stolen much) Even priests and seminarians are involved in this corrupt system in the Church and, following the example of Husar, their god is Judas money.

Husar and Masonry

Lubomyr Husar’s uncle was a member of the lodge “Holos Ukrajiny” (The Voice of Ukraine) and reached the 33rd degree of dedication. To whom? Husar assisted with the founding of organizations which are in close cooperation with the Masons (Rotary Club, Lions Club, Order of Stanislaus, Order of Michael, Registered Cossacks…). He himself established a Masonic group “The First of December” the purpose of which is to “change the rules of the game in the state”. This Husar’s group in collaboration with the U.S. instructors dictates the war policy in Ukraine. In his opinion, it is necessary to fight until the enemy (i.e. civilian population in Donbass) is destroyed!

Husar and homosexualism

Husar, Gudziak and Shevchuk promote the “revolution of dignity” (homosexualism). Gudziak has established a gender department at the UCU, where students are educated in tolerance and sympathy with homosexuality and other perversions.

Husar and heresy

Husar destroys the faith by denying the Divinity of Christ, the Virginity of the Mother of God and the eternity of hell. Husar also practises occultism – he divines by pendulum. He openly approves of this practice and sets it as an example of spirituality.

Visit to the Vatican (20 February 2015)

Head of the UGCC S. Shevchuk and the bishops of Ukraine took part in an ‘ad limina’ visit in the Vatican. Shevchuk made a false assertion at a press conference that: “A civil war in Ukraine? It’s out of the question.” He also said: “This visit was an opportunity to pray at the tombs of the Apostles for peace in our country.” He talks about peace in the Vatican but not so in Ukraine. If Husar, Shevchuk and Gudziak sincerely and categorically appealed to Christians for peace, there would be peace. However, it is them in the first place who have this war on conscience.

Journalist R. Kotsaba appealed for peace in the nation and he was sentenced to prison.

Orthodox Bishop Longin (Zhar) said: “This war is not against an enemy, but it is a war between us. This war is the work of Americans who sow hostility and bloodshed wherever they intrude. Brethren, we are now on the verge of a third world war. Repent! We appeal for peace!”

There is already the fifth wave of mobilization in Ukraine. Men flee abroad, others hide themselves. The UGCC calls priests to go to the front and to encourage the soldiers by telling them that killing is not a sin. People want peace, but the UGCC along with the U.S. agents deceive them in the churches and through the mass media. This is abuse of ecclesiastical office! Ukraine thus heads for moral and physical genocide.

Shevchuk said indirectly that the Pope supports the war in Ukraine: “The words of the Pope reassured us that our Church is making steps in the right direction – being beside our flock.”

The Vatican’s complicity

Full responsibility for all the crimes in Ukraine rests with the Vatican, because they neglect to punish these ideologues of amorality and death, and give tacit consent to their heresies and crimes. Husar openly proclaims heresies which deny the essence of Christianity. He approves of homosexuality and occultism and promotes war. He thus abuses God-given ecclesiastical office for self-destruction of Christianity in Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands of souls are misled by him and rushing headlong to hell on earth and after death.

The court in The Hague should judge Husar as a war criminal, and, in addition, the Church should judge him as a heretic, occultist and destroyer of God’s laws.

I demand that the Vatican should impose punishment on these three Church hierarchs – Husar, Gudziak and Shevchuk – as a precedent.

The minimum required: to degrade Husar from the rank of Cardinal and to deprive Shevchuk and Gudziak of ecclesiastical office not only by reason of heresy and promotion of homosexuality but also for systematic support of fratricidal war.



+ Elijah

Patriarch of the Byzantine Patriarchate

see http://vkpatriarhat.org.ua/en/?page_id=9564



Donetsk, 26 February 2015


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