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UAE – a strategic destiny

When we think at Golf area we are used with negative news related to Iraq war or the usual tension with Iran, but we must see also the positive examples that the area is offering to us and United Arab Emirates are without a doubt such an example.  38 years ago Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan announced a visionary experiment uniting 7 emirates along a geopolitical destiny .What was the secret of this astonishing experience?

UAE between Scylla and Charybda

In 1968 Great Britain announced his intention to evacuate the former Trucial states as the Golf states area where known at that time. This decision spell problems for the region, in north the Iran of the Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was looking forward for this moment to assert his authority on all the banks of the Golf tacking under control the Golf and the vital energy supply line of this space. No other formula was acceptable; any of the adjacent country that will have take under control the area will also enjoy a monopoly over the trade and energy route of the region. From the emirate of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahant understood this geopolitical game and acted bravely. In 1971 uniting 7 emirates he proclaimed the United Arab Emirates (the initial plan included also Bahrain and Qatar but the negotiation has failed and only 7 emirates join Sheikh Zayed plan) an alliance destined to keep free the trade and energy supply area of the Golf .How difficult will be this task was clear from the first moment when the Shah of Iran send his army and occupied 3 island of the coast of the UAE.  Despite this tense moment UAE survived and oil exploitation boosted the area.

An economic model under pressure?

Today controversial financial news are arriving from the UAE concentrating on financial troubles on Dubai World, one of the 45 companies investing in major real estate projects in the area. But this must not let us forget the strong fundaments of the UAE economy. First off all UAE are enjoying a reserve of oil and gas lasting for at list 100 years from now, offering a steady income of more than 50 billion euro annually .This numbers could be misleading, the common perception is that UAE is depending on oil and gas but this perception is false, more than 64% of the GDP is offered by non-oil sectors. Long before the crisis hit the UAE decided to develop the non oil sectors like trade, finance, real estate, manufacturing and this sector survived to economic crisis offering to UAE the status of a country non-depending on natural reserves exports.    Today UAE are enjoying in a crisis year a steady growth, investments are continuing to come and a massive financial reserve makes a stable currency and a low inflation economy. This economic model is not under question, UAE are still on growth and on geopolitical climate of the region investing here is still a wise move.

Energy revolution.

This economic model could not be understood if we not see the UAE participation in a new energy revolution. Rich in oil and gas UAE is not forgetting that this wealth will eventually ceased to exist or will be come to expensive to exploit or to ecological detrimental, so they choose to invest in solar energy. With 365 day a year with clear sky the UAE could not only suffices his one energy demands but also be a world suppliers of green energy and technology. Investing in projects like Masdar City, a city that will supply 100% percent of the necessary energy from green sources UAE is proving that there is life after fossil energy. Investing in this energy of the future not only will assure UAE energy demand but also will be an important part of the economic growth , already in Germany an important solar plant property of UAE is launching a bid to make green energy for European Union.

Gulf Cooperation Council a geopolitical mission.

In 1971 Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan already wanted an inclusive state but this option could not be put into life but Golf Cooperation Council ( GCC) uniting the Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia , Qatar and Oman is assuring the survival of the mission of keeping open for trade and energy supplies the water of the Golf .  The efficacy of GCC was proven in the Iraq-Iran war in the eighties and in Iraq –West tension after the 1991 Gulf War. United Arab Emirates not only constructed a powerful and modern navy able to keep open the waters and make safe the supplies but also became the symbol of a strong allied of the western democracy capable to support democracy building mission, peace keeping activities and investing in reconstruction projects in war torn countries. Sheikh Khalifa bin Sultan Al Nahyan (the son of deceased Sheikh Zayed and the continuator of his vision) declared that the geopolitical mission of UAE is to promote a unity of the Golf area and his example is an example of hope: unity is a conviction and a belief.
Now after 38 year from the UAE independence proclamation in what it was at that time a small city: Abu Dhabi the world is having a positive model: a powerful economy, a unity of 7 emirates without tensions or conflicts, a political balanced system of federal states and of unity governments, a balanced of democracy, efficiency, respect for Islam and open society in a delicate area. We have an example of a golf state that is building a future society based not on war of threat and we have the proof that oil is not necessary a curse (as many can believe) if we can build on it and we not make it the only reason for life, just a mean to an end. United Arab Emirates are just teaching us this lesson.

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