Home » Posts tagged with "Elections"

Parties at a crossroads before the elections

With the parliamentary election drawing closer, the main political parties are facing dilemmas. The Liberal Democratic Party (PD-L) seems to have given up hopes of single-handedly forming the government, and because of Traian Băsescu’s radical political style, it seems to have few options for a ruling alliance. The Social Democratic Party (PSD), which failed to reform itself, now has serious difficulties... 

Parties after the elections

While polls indicated a winner, the tabulation changes things a little. I don’t believe polls are designed to mislead (although obviously there were biased presentations of poll rates), but rather the gap is accounted for by the dual conduct of certain respondents who gave what they saw as „desirable answers,„ since an option for the National Liberal Party (PNL) or the Social Democratic Party... 

SWOT analysis ahead of the local elections

Where do political parties stand, and what chances does each of them have to win as many local administration seats? Our analysis indicates that the National Liberal Party (PNL) fares best, as it is the only party without internal disputes and clashes between local branches. The Democratic-Liberal Party (PD-L) is torn by many internal conflicts at a local level, which confirms what I predicted in... 

Elections with no choices

The conclusion of the first ballot for electing the President of Romania and the Parliament was by no means spectacular, just as the campaign itself was not particularly exciting, both on account of the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC), and of the National Broadcasting Monitoring Authority (CNA). And we have had no spectacular outcome not because the final results were not interesting, but because the... 

Preliminary Elections in PSD: The king is naked

That in the Romanian politics the king is naked has long ago stopped being a surprise for anyone, and if the fact in itself doesn’t strike us as grotesque would be the proof of a cheerful society.And the most recent political events are tale telling in this respect. Primary elections, alliances, statements and replies make up the image of a very busy and effervescent public space, but, at a second... 
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