Home » Posts tagged with "Geoană"

PSD in 2006: Geoană or nothing

Identification of PSD with an Opposition party seemed clearer in early 2006. Last year both the Alliance and the media acted, strangely enough, as if the Social Democrats had been still in power. As ruling parties were striving to lay hands on all leading offices in most sectors (Parliament, Justice, local administration, healthcare, etc), they faced firm opposition from PSD or persons close to this... 

Revolution without reform in the PSD convention

The outcome of elections in the PSD Congress is the direct effect of the “Orange (r)evolution” in the presidential elections. Adrian Năstase’s electoral failure to Traian Băsescu achieved what appeared to be impossible to achieve: namely, taking Ion Iliescu out of contemporary history by his own party. The April 21 PSD Congress was a strange blend of Communist Party Plenary Session... 

Revoluţie fără reformă la Congresul PSD

Rezultatele alegerilor de la Congresul PSD sunt efectul direct al “(re)voluţiei portocalii” de la alegerile prezidenţiale. Eşecul electoral înregistrat de Adrian Năstase în faţa lui Traian Băsescu a făcut ca ceea ce părea imposibil să se producă: anume, scoaterea lui Ion Iliescu din istorie de către propriul partid. Congresul PSD de pe 21 aprilie a fost un amestec ciudat... 
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