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PNL-PD: Deferring merger – a form of decline

In full swing early this year, talks about the timeliness of the merger between the two parties in the D.A. Alliance have lately receded. Signals launched by the Democrat Party are clearly against the merger, whereas, for the civil society or the Liberal Party, negative signals are hidden behind the mask of concerns for “governance”… If the two parties really intend to merge, nobody... 

…All the President’s people

Traian Basescu started off as a President with a huge capital of trust. Almost as high as Ion Iliescu’s in 1990 or Emil Constantinescu’s in 1996. With one notable difference however: he won voters’ confidence 15 years after the revolution, at a time when citizens were less willing than ever to invest their confidence in a politician, given the accruing disappointment with and distrust... 

The Tsunami Blaga sweeps the Romanian Police

Minister of Administration and Home Affairs, Vasile Blaga, one of the politicians true to the incumbent President, stands out through his management skills.Blaga is one of the new politicians promoted by Traian Băsescu, with a fairly quick rise, just like Traian Băsescu. One may even say that his rise coincides with Traian Băsescu’s. Because Vasile Blaga was Traian Basescu’s confidante... 

Alliance or Party?

Since the elections, PD is the author of the most serious blunders, related either to appointing the wrong people (the blonde for the Integration Ministry, Silvian Ionescu, Gheorghe Dobre), or to launching insufficiently considered topics for discussion (e.g. Videanu and his idea of having everyone state their wealth, but paying no heed to the way these assets were obtained, until 2005). The last really... 


Tax reforms launched by the Bucharest authorities were made without prior consultation with the International Monetary Fund. Statements made by its officials recently reveal their dissatisfaction and concern. The Prime Minister of Romanian replies quite vehemently, claiming that “it’s not the IMF which decides the policy in Romania…” In the meantime, the new Minister for Public... 

Elections with no choices

The conclusion of the first ballot for electing the President of Romania and the Parliament was by no means spectacular, just as the campaign itself was not particularly exciting, both on account of the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC), and of the National Broadcasting Monitoring Authority (CNA). And we have had no spectacular outcome not because the final results were not interesting, but because the... 

December, 12th – The

I don’t know how many of you remember the story behind this phrase which has been so widely used, that it has become somewhat out of date for quite a while now, although it is sure to come back to life quite soon. But the story has its own significance, one may say, apart from the respective phrase. Reportedly, in the early history of Rome, when the city showed no signed yet that it would grow... 

The strange campaign

When speaking about the first years of World War 2, historians and military analysts always mention in wonder what came to be known as the strange campaign, in September 1939 – May 1940, when German forces counted a number of large scale military wins owing, as it is the case particularly with the one in Poland, to the fact that French – British Allies lacked the courage – or the... 

The right price: what can(‘t) you buy with one billion Euro?

Romanian journalists’ independence is threatened. The freedom of expression and, more importantly, the journalists’ freedom to inform citizens on the actual Romania they live in are on the verge of being suspended just now, when authorities should pass an (acid test) prove to European officials that the country is capable of joining the European Union in 2007. Censuring the free press in... 

To be able to win elections, D.A. Alliance needs to prove its strength

The time when the Social Democrat Party (PSD) was comfortably leading in opinion polls has gone. The ruling party returned to the first position after the drop that followed the local elections, yet the margin, of just a few percentage points, to the National Liberal Party (PNL) -Democrat Party (PD) D.A. Alliance keeps it under pressure until the elections day. The battle will be particularly tighter... 
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